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Toplam 100 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5
National Geographic Primary Readers is a high-interest series of beginning reading books that have been developed in consultation with education experts. The books pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with lively text by skilled children's book authors across four reading levels. Level 4: Independent reader Perfect for kids who are reading on their own with ease and are ready for more challenging vocabulary with varied sentence structures. They are ideal for readers of White and Lime books. Wate
237 TL.
National Geographic Primary Readers is a high-interest series of beginning reading books that have been developed in consultation with education experts. The books pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with lively text by skilled children's book authors across four reading levels. Level 4: Independent reader Perfect for kids who are reading on their own with ease and are ready for more challenging vocabulary with varied sentence structures. They are ideal for readers of White and Lime books. Over
237 TL.
For now she need not think about anybody. She could be herself, by herself. And that was what now she often felt the need of—to think; well, not even to think. To be silent; to be alone. All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped core of darkness, something invisible to others. Although she continued to knit, and sat upright, it was thus that she felt herself; and this self having shed its attachments was
80 TL.
I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. My beauty you had early withstood, and as for my manners—my behaviour to you was at least always bordering on the uncivil, and I never spoke to you without rather wishing to give you pain than not. Now be sincere; did you admire me for my impertinence? For the liveliness of your mind, I did.
120 TL.
Drüben in der Straße stand ein altes, altes Haus, das war fast dreihundert Jahr alt, so konnte man an einem Balken lesen, an dem die Jahreszahl zugleich mit Tulpen und Hopfenranken eingekerbt war. Da standen ganze Verse in der Schreibweise alter Tage, und über jedem Fenster war ein fratzenhaftes Gesicht in den Balken eingeschnitten. Das obere Stockwerk hing weit über das untere, und unter dem Dache war eine Bleirinne mit Drachenköpfen. Das Regenwasser sollte aus dem Rachen herauslaufen, aber es lief aus dem
43 TL.
Happy Prince The Nightingale & The Rose The Selfish Giant A collection of haunting, magical, fairy-tale stories by Oscar Wilde... Happy Prince who was not so happy after all, The Nightingale & The Rose, that questions what really love is and The Selfish Giant who learned to love little children... A perfect collection for the children of all ages.
48 TL.
 %  5
Gulliver's Travels - Stage 2
Lemuel Gulliver is a surgeon who works on an English ship. One day, after an awful shipwreck, he founds himself on an unknown land of Lilliput. There he meets very little people of only six inches high, who have their own cities and traditions. Gulliver lives in this country for some time, discovering its people and their manner. But it happens so, that he has to come back to England on account of unexpected circumstances. Over sixteen years, Gullivers travels to the most unimaginable and inconceivable lan
47.5 TL. 50 TL.
Çocuk sahibi olmaya aday anne babaların, doğacak bebeğin cinsiyeti henüz belli olmamışken, ilk düşündükleri adının ne olacağıdır. Halk arasında, bebeğe konulacak ismin, kişiliğini şekillendireceği, adıyla yaşayacağı düşüncesi göz ardı edilemez bir gerçektir. Bebeğin cinsiyeti belli olduktan sonra ise artık kız veya erkek isimleri arayışına girilir. Haydar Şahin'in elinizdeki bu kitabı, çocuklarına Zazaca isim vermek isteyen ebeveynler için bir rehber niteliğindedir. Kitapta Zazaca orijinal isimlerin yanın
12.96 TL.
The Golden Fleece is a very famous story among the other mythological tales. The story of brave Jason and his fourty nine Argonauts is world-wide known. The story of the Golden Fleece is about a young mans quest to get his righful throne back from the cruel King Pelias. But the journey and Jasons adventures are full of perils which he has to face with... Sis Readers (Stage 2) Sis Readers is a series of retold and simplified stories which are classifed into 5 stages, each stage consists of 10 story boo
6.48 TL.
The Story of King Palmarin is a book which contains three most famous Filipino Tales. All the three stories emphasize that no matter what ones social status is, braveness, honesty and contentious are the most important characteristics which a man must have for an honourable life. Sis Readers (Stage 2) Sis Readers is a series of retold and simplified stories which are classifed into 5 stages, each stage consists of 10 story books, in accordance with their degrees of difficulty. The selected stories are c
6.48 TL.
The Pomegranate Seeds is a famous mythological story. One day, King of the Underground, Pluto, decides to get rid of his loneliness and abducts the beautiful daughter of Earths mother, Ceres. While the little girl, Proserpina is waiting for her mother desperately in the dark palace of King Pluto, Ceres walks around the world to find her beloved daughter. Yet Pluto has a very dangerous trick to keep the little girl under the ground forever... Sis Readers (Stage 2) Sis Readers is a series of retold an
6.48 TL.
Şehmus Diken li gel gelek berhemen xwe yen bi gelek zimanan hatine weşandin ku piraniya wan li ser Amede ne, niha ji bi Kurdi derdikeve peşberi xwendevanan. Bi ve berheme niviskar bi deste xwendevanen xwe digire u wan li kuçe u kolanen ku zarokatiya wi le bihuriye digerine. Dildare Amede Diken, di ve rewitiye de dirok u serpehatiyen bajare deran radixe ber çavan u ji çand u folklora we, çej u şopen li ber wendabune bi me dide tahmkirin. Dayik Amida, jiyana zaroken do u heviya e sibe ye. Dayik Amida, de ye!
84 TL.
Toplam 100 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5