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Es war so herrlich draußen auf dem Lande. Es war Sommer, das Korn stand gelb, der Hafer grün, das Heu war unten auf den grünen Wiesen in Schobern aufgesetzt, und der Storch ging auf seinen langen, roten Beinen und plapperte ägyptisch, denn diese Sprache hatte er von seiner Frau Mutter gelernt. Rings um die Äcker und die Wiesen gab es große Wälder und mitten in den Wäldern tiefe Seen. Ja, es war wirklich herrlich da draußen auf dem Lande! Dışarıda kırda harika bir hava varmış. Mevsimlerden yazmış. Buğdaylar
59.5 TL.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who was a French author, journalist and pilot wrote The Little Prince in 1943, one year before his death. The Little Prince appears to be a simple children's tale, some would say that it is actually a profound and deeply moving tale, written in riddles and laced with philosophy and poetic metaphor.
59.5 TL.
В одном большом городе в Германии много лет тому назад скромно и тихо жил сапожник со своей женой. Сапожник сидел обыкновенно в лавке на углу улицы и чинил башмаки и туфли. Случалось ему иногда шить и новую обувь, если находились заказчики, но для этого ему каждый раз приходилось покупать кожу, так как он по бедности не имел запасов. Жена сапожника торговала овощами и фруктами, которые разводила в небольшом садике за городом, и многие охотно покупали у нее, так как она всегда была опрятно одета и умела прив
59.5 TL.
Жила-была королева, у которой родились однажды дочки-близнецы. Она позвала на крестины фей. А в те времена, если феи приходили крестить ребенка, они приносили ему в дар множество подарков. Они могли превратить обычного ребенка в красивейшего и мнейшего в мире. Но иногда феи, рассердившись на что- либо, могли пожелать младенцу много плохого, поэтому все родители старались всячески задобрить фей. Bir varmış bir yokmuş. Bir zamanlar ikiz kızları olan bir kraliçe yaşarmış. Bu kraliçe vaftiz törenine bir peri da
59.5 TL.
Жил-был вдовец, у которого была прелестная добрая дочка. Однажды он решил жениться вновь и взял в жены злую, эгоистичную женщину. У нее были две дочери, которые по характеру были как две капли воды похожи насвою мать. После свадьбы мачеха сразу же показала свой злой нрав. Она прекрасно понимала, что рядом с красивой добросердечной падчерицей ее родные дочки выглядят ещегрязнее и уродливее. Поэтому она возненавидела падчерицу и заставляла ее делать всю самую грязную работу по дому. Bir varmış bir yokmuş. Ülk
59.5 TL.
Видишь вон то старое дерево? - сказала ведьма, показывая на дерево, которое стояло неподалеку. - Оно внутри пустое. Влезь наверх, там будет дупло, ты и спустись в него, в самый низ! А перед тем я обвяжу тебя веревкой вокруг пояса. Ты мне крикни, и я тебя вытащу. Зачем мне туда лезть? - спросил солдат. Cadı yakındaki bir ağacı işaret ederek: Oradaki yaşlı ağacı görüyor musun? Diye sormuş. Bu ağacın içi oyuk. Yukarı tırman, o zaman ağacının içinde bir delik göreceksin. Oradan aşağıya in! Önce beline bir ip
59.5 TL.
A certain man had a donkey. which had carried the corn-sacks to the mill indefatlgably for many a long year. But his strength was going, and he was growing more and more unfit for work. Then his master began to consider how he might best save his keep. But the donkey, seeing that no good wind was blowing, ran away and set out on the road to Bremen. There, he thought, I can surely be a town-musician.
59.5 TL.
There was an old Queen, and her husband had been dead many years ago. She had a beautiful daughter. When the princess grew up she was be trothed to a prince. When the time came for her to be married. she had to journey to the distant kingdom. The aged Queen packed up many costly vessels of silver and gold, and cups and jewels.
59.5 TL.
One day, Ali Baba was in the forest. When he had just-cut wood enough to load his asses. he saw a great cloud of dust. It was approaching him at a distance. The troop, to the number of fourty, weil mounted and armed. It came to the foot of the rock on which the tree stood. and there dismounted. Then each took off his saddle bag. which from its weight seemed to Ali Baba to be full of gold and silver. One, whom he took to be thair captain, came under the tree in which he was concealed.
59.5 TL.
The wife of a rich man fell sick. She called her daughter and said. ´´Dear child. be good and pious. The good God will always protect you. ´´After that she closed her eyes and died. Every day the maiden went out-to her mother´s grave. When the spring sun had drawn it off again. the man had taken another wife.
59.5 TL.
The wife of a rich man fell sick. She called her daughter and said. ´´Dear child. be good and pious. The good God will always protect you. ´´After that she closed her eyes and died. Every day the maiden went out-to her mother´s grave. When the spring sun had drawn it off again. the man had taken another wife.
59.5 TL.
In golden times, when still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful. But the youngest was so beautiful that the sun was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the king´s castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old lime- tree in the forest was a well. When the day was very warm, the king´s child went out into the forest. She sat down by the side of the cool fountain. When she was bored she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it. This ball was her
59.5 TL.
Samedi, il faisait beau. Cetait lete, il faisait chaud, et il y avait des fleurs dans tous les jardins. C'etait une journée que tout le monde appreciait Tom sortit de sa maison avec un pinceau et un grand pot de peinture blanche. Il regarda la cloture qui faisait trois metres de haut et trente metres de long. Cumartesi güzel bir gündü. Bir yaz ayıydı, hava sıcaktı ve her bahçede çiçekler vardı. Herkesin mutlu olacağı bir gündü. Tom elinde bir fırça ve büyük bir kap beyaz boyayla evden dışarı çıktı. Üç metr
59.5 TL.
C'était un hiver froid, une petite fille et son père arrivèrent à Londres. Sara Crewe était une fille de sept ans avec de longs cheveux noirs et des yeux verts. Elle s'assit dans le taxi à côté de son père et regarda les grandes maisons et le ciel noir par la fenêtre. Küçük bir kız ve babası Londra'ya vardığında soğuk bir kış günüydü. Sara Crewe uzun siyah saçları ve yeşil gözleri olan yedi yaşında bir kız çocuğuydu. Takside babasının yanına oturdu ve pencereden dışarıya uzun evlere ve karanlık gökyüzüne b
59.5 TL.
De quoi reves-tu ? demanda John a son frere Michael. Il se trouvait sous un arbre. - Je pense au Pays imaginaire, repondit Michael. Je ne peux m'empecher de penser au Pays imaginaire et a Peter Pan. Neyi hayal ediyorsun?diye sordu. Bir ağacın altındaydı.Michael Masallar Ülkesini hayal ediyorum. diye cevap verdi. Masallar Ülkesi ve Peter Pan'ı aklımdan çıkaramıyorum. Bende onların hiçbirini unutamıyorum. Orada yaşamayı isterdim. dedi.
59.5 TL.
Matthew Cuthbert vivait avec sa soeur Marilla dans leur ferme sur l'İle-du-Prince-Edouard au Canada. Leur ferme, les Pignons Verts, se trouvait juste a l'exterieur du petit village d'Avonlea. Matthew avait presque soixante ans et une longue barbe brune. Sa soeur avait cinq ans de moins que lui. Ils etaient tous les deux grands et minces, avec des cheveux fonces. Tout le monde a Avonlea savait que les Cuthbert étaient des gens paisibles qui travaillaient dur dans leur ferme. Matthew Cuthbert kardeşi Marilla
59.5 TL.
Había una vez, un señor que se llamaba Ali Baba vivía en la ciudad de Bagdad. Él era un hombre pobre pero un buen hombre, siempre está listo para ayudar a alguien en necesidad. 'Por esta razón siempre seremos pobres,' dijo su esposa. 'Vivimos en bajo los niveles de pobreza pero usted les da nuestro dinero y nuestras cosas a tus amigos y los desconocidos. Un día seremos dueños por nosotros mismos.' Evvel zaman içinde, Ali Baba adında bir adam Bağdat'ta yaşardı. Fakir olmasına rağmen, ihtiyaç içerisindeki he
59.5 TL.
Toplam 79 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1